Mit »box with the sound of its own making« übertragen Jonas Bohatsch und Peter Kollreider einen Kunst-Klassiker in die Gegenwart. Sie legen Veränderungsprozesse unserer kulturbildenden technologischen Umwelt offen und verrücken die Beziehung zwischen Entstehungsprozess des Kunstwerkes und seiner ästhetischen Form.
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»box with the sound of its own making« by Jonas Bohatsch and Peter Kollreider is an an art classic transfered to the present time. Bohatsch/Kollreider reveal processes of transformation in our technological environment which shape our culture. They shift the relationship between the process of formation of the artwork and its aesthetic form. The initial work of Robert Morris (»box with the sound of its own making«,1961) consisted of a wooden box with a built-in loudspeaker. It reproduced the sounds which occured while manufacturing the box. You could thus see a wooden box, which acoustically imparted the course of time of its formation within 3.5 hours, and experience the constructing of the artwork itself. This was a reference to the manual aspects of art production as well as a way to associate the experience of time with the artwork.